83 km along the Elbe
In order to leave Terezin one has to cross the fortress buildings. It was a military town also before the use as Ghetto and concentration camp.
Between the green of a Golf Ressort I reached the Elbe again and crossed to Litomerice, then following the right bank. It is interesting what fruits could be harvested below the railway. I saw hops, raisins, apples, elder berries, plums and much more.
I also crossed towns with nice names, but uninteresting buildings like Usti nad Labem.
In Decin a big palace is overlooking the valley and I made a short loop through the city. There were some interesting parts, but not inviting for a stay.
After some kilometers I passed the border to Germany. Only cyclists and pedestrians can pass here.
During the last part the weather changed to ‘there could be a thunderstorm’, but I had luck. Only after pitching my tent opposite to the Lilienstein some drops came down.
In Königstein I looked around and learned that a lot of restaurants, that existed originally, closed down. Also a lot of buildings are not in use anymore, maybe due to high water risks of the Elbe.